Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Xavier's Nightly Nugget of Knowlege

It seems like everyday that Xavier always out-thinks, out-wits, or out-performs Tee or I in some way shape or form. Today Xavier decides that he is going to school his daddy on 'Tow Trucks";
X- Daddy, how many tow trucks are there?
R- I don't know Xavier. I guess you would have to get all the tow trucks together and count them. But the tow trucks are always working so you can't count all of them.
X- Do you like tow trucks?
R- No they are bad, they take people's cars away.(As in if you are illegally parked.)
X- No, no daddy. Tow trucks are good, they take your car away and take it to get it fixed. And then they fix it up into a new car. And then they pick the new car up and bring it back to you and you have a brand new car that is pretty. So tow trucks are good.
I guess I can't argue with that logic.
Earlier that morning, Xavier dropped some science on his mother, as she was getting dressed for work.
X- Mommy, what is that black thing?
T- Uumm..... its a bra.
X- You use it to hold your two muscles.(breasts)
I know, I couldn't do anything but laugh also. So watch yourself and be on your P's and Q's when he is around cause he will call you out. That's my boy! :-)
"You know how I roll"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad to see that you are blogging now, man. Hopefully you won't fall of the wagon and make sporadic posts like me. It is amazing how a four year old can think and rationalize about the world around him. Children are a beautiful thing. I am feeling the Dublar. I didn't realize what Dublar was until I pronounced it like Henry Jr. would have, and I figured it out. I see that you are rolling in quasi-anonymity, I guarantee my wife is going to be the first one to post to you and put your first, middle, last name and social security number in the comments section. Take it easy Dublar.

  3. Ha ha. You are so right about Renee. I had been thinking of doing something like this for a while just as a way of documenting Xavier's growth. Then i just did it. I'm sure i wont be making 6-7 post a day a month from now, but hopefully i can keep it rollin. I will also be sharing stories from the past so look out for yourself in one of the stories. I will change the names to protect the guilty ahem, i mean innocent. I'll be in bouwling green tomorrow. I will give you a call when i get in town.
