Friday, April 24, 2009

So i went to Nashville for a week on some work bidness..........

and i swear this boy has gotten a year or so smarter. And the dog seems to have grown too but lets not talk about her. And with this new knowledge my son feels the need to edumacate me on some things.

First, the pronunciation of his name. It is not zay-vee-ure. Its Zaa-vee-yay. I was like, hold up,"who told you that?" He said, "that is how you say my name!"
Excuse me for naming you, son.

Secondly, types of roads. On the way to school today we had this convo.

X- daddy you are going super fast.

R- no, not super fast, just fast.

X- uh uh daddy you are going super fast.

R- no just fast Xavier. We go super fast on the highway.

X- so right now we are on the "Low-way" right daddy.

R- (laughs)Thats right Xavier we are on the Low-way.

I can't possibly remember everything he says but believe you me, there is so much more. I think i am going to invest in a voice recorder to tape these magical moments.
Till the next time. Peace.........and much luv to ya.

Dublar the CBW

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