Friday, January 22, 2010

New Dance

Apparently my son has made up a new dance today. It's called the "Diving Tuna" . It consist of Xavier laying on his stomach on the ground and kicking his feet together and nodding his head. I will provide the very entertaining video of this dance ASAP.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tee's people

I know alot of you all saw this last night but when i saw it i knew it was one of Tee's uncles or something.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New series

This will be the start of a new series of post in which i bring to light some of Tee's people. You may ask, "What exactly is Tee's people?" Your guess is as good as mine, but i have a knack for pointing them out. As evidenced by this video. (click on the purple link for the computer challenged)

My two, Boo and Boo Boo

No one on the corner has swagga like us!

Peace and much luv to ya!

Xavier's photography skills.

In going through my photos clearing my memory cards i noticed that you can tell when Xavier took the camera. These five candid shots were found in each instance. Not necessarily in that order but i took one pic from at least 5 different occurrences so he is consistent. As you can see above his skillset consist of.

1) the mysterious top of the head/hair pic.

2) the tonsil shot.

3) the pic that seems to be taken from the floor.

4) some occasional nose hair action.

5) the straight on facial close up.

Stay thirsty my friends, and as always. Peace.....................and much luv to ya!

Dublar the CBW

Some pics of late 3

Some pics of late 2

My knuckle head Nephews. (Egg and Jug -head)
Bro and Sis and Spouses
Fam(featuring Webbie)
Sis and Grandaddy
The kids and Grandaddy